“Walking by Faith While Being Prepared” by The Rev. Kaji Douša
I know a number of us are trying to balance the desire to walk in faith and not fear, while also deciding to – as we must – listen to the recommendations of public health authorities, especially as they start to tell us to either stay home or to practice measures of social distancing. And what I’d love to say here is that, if this is a struggle for you, I would encourage you to turn the scriptures and listen to Jesus. When asked what was the most important thing we could do as a walk of faith, the most important command, he said it is that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. And what this means is that you love God first, you love yourself, you love your neighbor. That means taking care of yourself, taking care of your neighbor – and sometimes that means having a lot of distance between you. God will meet you no matter where you are. If you stay home, that’s just fine.
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