“The Storm” by The Rev. Kaji Douša

January 10th,2021 Categories: Worship Service

“The Storm” by The Rev. Kaji Douša

There is a necessary sequence here.

Forgiveness can come. BUT it MUST start with repentance.


To repent is:
1.) To turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life.
2.) To feel regret or contrition.
3.) To change one’s mind.

Forgiveness comes after repentance.
Now evil will teach you differently.

Evil will tell you that we should jump to forgiveness before it’s been earned.

That’s what evil will have you to believe.

But the devil is a liar. And a lie.

Abusers make use of this tactic all of the time.

They inflict harm. And then they require forgiveness without penitence. Because remember: repentance requires a change. A real change.

But the abuser has no intentions to change.

The abuser will blame his victim for his harmful actions.

And then demand forgiveness. Or, as some like to say: “healing”. Or “unity”.

The abuser will blame his victim for his harmful actions.

And then demand forgiveness. Or, as some like to say: “healing”. Or “unity”.

But there can be NO healing or unity or forgiveness without TRUE accountability.

And we are nowhere near that point. We’re still in the storm. You can’t heal in the storm.

Not everyone who has been baptized with water

Has been baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Not every preacher or teacher or leader of the church

Is oily.

Or anointed.

Some folks are out here baptizing with water
But not with the Holy Spirit.

“Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing,” Jesus said.

Wolves can’t pray.

Wolves can’t pray.

Not everyone who says words that sound like prayer
Is actually praying.

Evil will not repent.
So it must be stopped by other means.
Which are at our disposal.
