“Still Your Own Storm” by The Rev. Kaji Douša
So I was having a conversation and doing some Bible study with my friend, Ohene Asare, who pointed out something to me in a passage from Mark chapter 4, that I have never thought of before. So this is the story where the disciples are in the boat with Jesus. And as they’re there, he’s sleeping while this huge storm comes, and they think they’re going to die because the waves are so high. And they’re like, “God, what’s going on? Jesus can’t you save us?” Jesus wakes up frustrated. And I always wondered why. This is Ohene’s point to me that I will never forget: the disciples had the power to still that storm themselves, but they had forgotten that. God, Jesus, God had already given them the authority to make this happen and yet they forgot, and they asked God to do what they should’ve done themselves – and we do the same thing. We are expecting something crazy to come in, some divine intervention to stop the storms, when really God has already said, “You’ve got that power yourself.” What storms do we need to settle for ourselves right now? Because God’s already in that boat with us, as long as we lead with righteousness, love and truth. Amen.