“Peace” by The Rev. Kaji Douša
In this Advent season, I wanted to say a prayer of peace for you. I don’t know what’s happening in your life or what you’re confronting right now, but each person in our own way has a need for peace. Of course, clearly, in all the environments in which there is war – either war between people, or war with this planet that we ravage – obviously, culturally, societally, and globally, we need God’s peace. But I’m also wanting to offer you a prayer of peace for your soul, for the ways in which your heart aches and anguishes, for the unrest that you feel. That is, of course, part of the point of Christmas, which is that God, through the birth of Jesus, sends us that peace, and that intention for peace in your life, too, even where it hasn’t quite settled in just yet. Know God’s peace. Know our hope for your peace. And I want to make an invitation to you – just down in the comments, I invite you to offer your prayer needs, and we will intercede for you for that very prayer of peace. Amen