Multilingual Worship & the Arts reflection from The Rev. Jeanette Zaragoza
On Dec 7th, Saturday, we gathered to read, digest and proclaim the Scripture through the arts. After a centering devotional prepared by Paul, we began to read multilingually, pausing at times to reflect, on what was being revealed to us. Our reflections and collaborative process of active listening and sharing, offered us an opportunity to embody the Scriptures. We engaged the fullness of our being, our bodies, feelings, sensations and thoughts to deepen the meaning of the Scriptures. We concentrated on the readings for our Advent Cantata, Lessons and Carols, for our Dec 22nd service. Our youngest members of the congregation have also been working with Paul and will be part of our Scripture proclamation. During this upcoming beautiful Sunday service, on Dec 22nd, we will meditate and be inspired by the messages of the Magnificat and the birth of Jesús. As a result we created two dramatic readings that we pray will be of blessings to our life as a community during this season.
– Rev. Jeanette Zaragoza