Kitchen Fund

September 29th,2023 Categories: Worship Service

Dear Congregation,

Thank you to all who have helped us so far to raise funds for The Park’s new kitchen. This is necessary to the functioning of the Banquet Hall and other associated planned revenue streams. A fully functioning kitchen will make that possible. Its completion is crucial to the future viability of the church.

We are reaching out to all congregation members to consider making what contribution[s] they can. Our needs are great. Current cost estimate is $291,000! It is not within the 2023 budget to cover this. Please help!

Donations are tax deductible.

Donations can be made as follows – Please specify “PACK 2023”:

Make a contribution using a credit card, or pledge:

Check — Mail in a check. Make it out to Park Avenue Christian Church and send to 1010 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028 — (212) 288-3246