“Keep Moving to Find Your Power” by The Rev. Kaji Douša
The Gospel of Mark, chapter 6, talks about a story that’s incredibly remarkable, in which Jesus had gone home, to his hometown of Nazareth, to preach to, and to minister to his people. But what happened was that they rejected him, and they wouldn’t receive what he said, and the Gospel says that it was almost as if he were powerless. As Jesus said, “a prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown.” And I wonder about that for you. I wonder if you’ve ever felt as if you were spiritually powerless – and usually, where that would be coming from is that we’re stuck sometimes in a place where we haven’t been able to experience spiritual growth. I wonder if that’s true for you, because if you’re feeling powerless, what that probably means is that you need to get moving. And what Jesus says is that when people won’t receive your power, the power that God has given you with God’s authority and love, then what you just have to do is look at your sandals, wipe the dust right on off, and keep it moving. May you always be empowered in your strength and love. Amen.
See Pastor Kaji’s full sermon here: https://youtu.be/3ddeR3C8Bwg