“Good Friday” by The Rev Kaji Douša
On Good Friday, we are reminded that there are no lengths that God isn’t willing to go for us. We look at a cross that Jesus had to carry. And as we carry our own crosses, we know that, whatever we’ve gone through, whatever we experience, God has seen it too, personally. And so, I hope that as you look at the story of the Passion, of God’s passion for you and for every single created human, you will see that wherever God has gone, you might have to go, but you’ll also go with God. Wherever you will go, God has been and made it through. And wherever God is going to ask you to go, God will carry you through. God has carried the cross. God will carry you. And so, as we sit in the darkness of the shadows that came upon the land after they killed Jesus, we remember that, whatever they tried to kill, God can bring to life, and will bring to life, especially that which God has made. So, know that you, made by God, are held and cherished even through the darkest shadows. And look to Easter, look three days ahead, when the new day will come. Amen.