“Do Not Be Captive to Lies” by The Rev. Kaji Douša

April 27th,2020 Categories: Worship Service

“Do Not Be Captive to Lies” by The Rev. Kaji Douša

I wanted to share something with you, about an experience of what they call “zoombombing.” So, the other day, I was with an organization that I work very closely with, and we were hit up by some zoombombers who displayed really hateful messages and videos on our screen, they put porn up on the screen, they were calling me out of my name, including words like the “n” word and so forth. And this is a practice that is growing, where people who want to convince us that their lives are true, that the hateful words that they say are correct, these people want to come into our lives and terrorize us. And what I want to say to you, if you are a victim of that, or even just if you watch the evening news, where people and haters just come at you with lies and things like, trying to convince you that you’ll be healthier if you drink disinfectant, and whatever other kind of nonsense tries to get in here, don’t let them in! Do no let people in your head, do not let liars and haters come at you with something that will take you away from the experience of God’s love. I was reading Ephesians this week, and Paul, even in this letter to his friends in Ephesus, was really emphasizing that we have to root out the haters. We can’t let them win. And part of winning is when we start to believe them. So if someone is trying to teach you that you are anything but a beloved child of God, you gotta let that go. You cannot let it in, because Paul knew, and the early Church folks even knew that there would be people who would come at their communities with lies, and he just says, “Let it go. Don’t let it happen.” Christ came to make captivity captive. Do not be captive to lies. Amen