Children and Youth Ministry Update from The Rev. Cara Gilger
Dear Park Parents,
We explored what it meant for the mountains to sing from our scripture last Sunday in Isaiah 55. The kids gathered their own musical instruments from around the house and we made a mountain size amount of noise praising God!
This upcoming week we will be learning and growing alongside the scripture passage for worship Isaiah 44:6-7. This passage is not found in our children’s Bible so we will be reading from an adult Bible in our home. We will be talking about God as the rock and foundation that is steady when we are afraid.
Continuing in our July Summer Photo Challenge to Inspire, this week we are challenging the kids to send a photo of something they have drawn or something they have done that Inspires STRENGTH. You can email your photos to to share. I will be sending a little surprise in the mail to each kid that participates to keep things fun!
As we continue to think about how best to be community and share in ministry together virtually, we will be developing Kids Worship Boxes that will be sent to each family at The Park. These Kids Worship Boxes will be filled with materials we will use during the Sunday School hour to help our lessons come alive. So that we can know how many supplies to purchase, please let me know if you would like to receive a box by emailing me at to opt in.
In Peace,
Rev Cara