The Park Receives Certificate of Appreciation from CC(DOC) for Being a Top Giving Congregation

November 13th,2019 Categories: Latest News


Just a quick note about significant events in the North East Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)…

At the recent meeting of the Regional Board, in Brooklyn NY, on October 26, the board called Rev. Thaddaeus B. Allen to be our permanent Regional Minister. The contract is for what has been the historical use of his time which is 5 hours a week, plus 2 hours of administrative time for his support. Also, one full day a quarter. This permanent position will start January 1, 2020 for one year.

The Regional Board also approved Central Christian Church in Danbury, Connecticut to host the 2020 Regional Assembly. The dates will be set soon, but will be in September or October.

Both our Regional Minister, Thaddaeus Allen, and our Regional Board Moderator, Ron Strong, provided progress reports for the last two years. We as a region are doing well, have a balanced budget, have set up a variety of investments. We have active Regional Minister, active Associate Regional Ministers, and all board positions are filled.

The 3 Regional Commission on Ministry chairs and teams met after the board meeting. We discussed the COM job description, it will be completed and updated soon. The COM groups also discussed making our process more common or similar. We also discussed how to best do the required healthy boundaries training, and accepted a proposal by Penny Cannon (more about that in the near future).

Terry Steeden
Associate Regional Minister for New England