SoulFood Fellowship Reflection by Mary Norton

November 17th,2018 Categories: Latest News
As our beloved Church undergoes construction and change, the SoulFood Fellowship at The Park is also experiencing expansion and growth from our Bible study beginnings. Physical changes at church have also brought changes to our fellowship. A quiet intimate space for our discussions was not always available, but an unheralded blessing came our way. Fellowship member Myrna graciously offered her home for an upcoming meeting.

In the comfort of Myrna’s hospitality, we included a pot-luck lunch addition to our bible discussion. It was a wonderful new experience for all, as our conversation expanded to reflect The Park’s core mission of social justice.

Meetings have now been held in three separate homes and we’ve simplified our routine to brown bag lunches, with liquid refreshments and desserts donated.

I feel so blessed to be part of this inclusive Fellowship. Our discussions, based on chosen biblical texts, now include additional readings on social justice and racial injustices still pervasive in our society, the result of promises made and not kept, to those who are oppressed by poverty, race or other limitations to fulfilling our humanity.

Each member’s individual response to our chosen readings continues to create Fellowship discussions that are amazing and thought provoking.

No one ever wants to leave our meetings! Our gatherings are soul-filling events that help me more carefully consider what I can do, if I call myself Christian, as I attempt to follow Christ’s example.

Mary Norton, SoulFood Fellowship member