“Inspire Community: The Table” by The Rev. Stephanie Kendell
Beloved Church,I am so inspired by this community. The way you have continued to lift each other up with the help of God is incredible. All the new gatherings, the stories I hear of you checking on each other, supporting one another- it’s so beautiful. I just want to let you know that I see you and am thankful for all the ways you are all moving forward. Forward in hope. Forward in grief. Forward in community. We hope to see you on Sunday for Bible study and then worship.
A new Inspire for May will be released on Friday so be sure to read all the tools for the journey provided for you as you take a month to think about what it means to inspire community. And as the spirit would have it, this weeks’ scripture is all about community. It reminds us that at the core of our call to serve others, meaning to serve Jesus, is a call to be and build community. And while right now we may be building community in new ways, we are building community, nonetheless. And once again we are reminded that the covenants we make in Christian community come in both big and small ways. See if you see what I mean in this week’s scripture from the Book of Acts.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ instructions and the communal life, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. A reverent fear overtook them all, for many wonders and signs were being performed by the apostles. Those who believed lived together, shared all things in common; they would sell their property and goods, sharing the proceeds with one another as each had need. They met in the Temple and they broke bread together in their homes every day. With joyful and sincere hearts, they took their meals in common, praising God and winning the approval of all the people. Day by day, God added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47)
Community in the big and the small commitments- that is where we are called to experience God. The small things like selling personal property and the big things like feeding people. And while many readers may think that I mixed up what I consider big and small acts, we Christians know better. We are people of the table. Called to remember the ultimate act of grace and love by Christ, each time we eat and drink together. That’s much bigger than the call to sell your goods to make sure others are cared for. And this scripture continues to say they fed, ate, and broke bread together, surely highlighting it so much is meant to give it weight and focus. So, then why is one so much easier than the other?
Friends, community is vital to who are as Christians. And we have had defining moments together as we build the church, eat from the Lord’s table, and pray and support each other…and still the best is yet to come. We are growing in new ways, new connections, and even new people, which is God fulfilling promises- as God always does- and for me, that is just the hope that I need to keep moving forward.
Shalom Y’all,
Rev. Stephanie
A quick prayer for your week: God, I am yours and you are mine, in this beloved community. Amen