“Inspiration” from the Rev. Kaji Douša

April 6th,2020 Categories: Worship Service

“Inspiration” from the Rev. Kaji Douša

What a year… I remember the feeling that so many of us had at New Year’s – do you remember that? 2019 was rough for a lot of us (I know it was for me), and we were looking forward to a 2020 that would be different, and it would take on a new form. Well I guess it did… but not quite to plan, Amen? A lot is new, but not necessarily in a good way. And that’s probably an understatement. Folks out here are acting brand new while lives are at stake. But we, at the same time, get to do something new too. And I’ve been talking to a lot of people who’ve been quite worried, particularly as “we know not the day nor the hour” of many things, including what the next day will hold. We wonder, “What do I need to do? What is the most important thing that I can do right now? And what’s that thing that I know I need to get done, I need to do, but haven’t been able to get myself over the hump to accomplish it just yet?” And here at The Park, we’ve been exploring what inspiration means in such a time as this, and I would suggest that the thing that you know you need to do – that phone call, or that text you may have put off, the note you need to write, that person who you need to pray God’s strength to forgive, that moment you need to let go of – whatever it is for you, and you know so much better than I might be able to suggest. Whatever it is, let God help you to do that new thing. Be inspired in it and be fortified by the Holy Spirit. This is the kind of thing you can do from home, you can do it from physical and social isolation. But ask the Holy Spirit for help. And we, here at The Park, and we all over, will be praying for you in this, all along the way. Amen