“Following” by The Rev. Kaji Douša, Sunday, January 29

January 30th,2017 Categories: Latest News, Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Douša's Sermons

This. This is the key to our faith. This is what it means to hold on to the primary affiliation of being a Jesus-follower. There will be many leaders who will ask you to follow them. But your job is to recognize the moments of dissonance.

Instead, follow Jesus. Do you have on your following shoes?
Because following means movement.
If we’re following Jesus, we’re going deeper, we’re praying more today than we did yesterday. If we’re following Jesus, we’re confessing our shortcomings and we’re receiving his forgiveness so that we can move on and do better.
If we’re following Jesus we are praying for our enemies, maybe even by name.
If we’re following Jesus we are holding on to hope in the face of destruction and enmity and violence.
If we’re following Jesus we are fishing for people by the acts of love we offer, not by coercion, manipulation or force.
If we’re following Jesus we are living sanctuaries, places of safety or respite in our very beings.

This is what it means to follow Jesus.

Excerpt from Pastor Kaji’s blog: http://soundthebells.blogspot.com/2017/01/following.html