Christmas Day Sunday Preview, from The Rev. Kaji Douša

December 22nd,2016 Categories: Latest News

Dear Church:

This week, it’s all about Jesus. That’s what the “Put the Christ back in Christmas” adherents claim to want, it’s what I want, too. In fact, it’s what I want all of the time, Jesus at the forefront of everything. In large part, this is what we confess every week – Jesus is not always at the heart of all that we do. But Lord, we wish he were.

Look around. Here and now, as every light around us proclaims: glory; as the music of Christmas grows louder and louder, as everywhere we look there seems to be an opportunity for generosity, we see the very symbols of Christ in highest relief.

Church is the right place to encounter all of this as we seek to determine the very kind of Christians, the contours of discipleship we want to embody.

So here’s what will be happening at The Park to support this journey:

Christmas Eve Instant Pageant – From 3-3:45 any child is welcome to be part of a Christmas Pageant. No rehearsals necessary – just let the children come to know the story of the birth of Christ as they act it out with their bodies and hearts.

The Christmas Eve Christ Mass: A Service of Lessons and Carols – at 7 pm, we will gather for a service of Lessons and Carols followed by the “Mass”, or service of Holy Communion, that gives the holiday its name.

Christmas Day Christ Mass: This year, Christmas Day falls on a Sunday. For this special liturgy, we will sing Christmas Carols, meditate on Jesus, and gather around Christ’s table celebrating all kinds of new birth in our lives.

We cannot wait to see you and…see Jesus.

Pax Christi,

Please note that Pastor Kaji will be on vacation December 26 through January 3. Marjorie Watrobski will be preaching on New Year’s Day.