Children and Youth Ministry Update from The Rev. Cara Gilger
Dear Park Families,
Last Sunday our kids studied Romans 10:14-14 alongside the adults in worship. We learned a little more about Paul–that he walked from town to town setting up and supporting churches and that he was imprisoned because the powers of the empire felt threatened by the message of Jesus’s love that he was preaching. We did an activity where we traced our feet and shared ideas for how to tell about God’s good news.
This week we will be studying Psalm 67 alongside the adults in worship. We will be using some of the tools from our worship box to listen to scripture and reflect on the story Early Sunday Morning by Denen Millner as we think about ways we can praise God with singing and being a blessing to others.
As we prepare for Sunday’s lesson, families can discuss the following table topics during dinner to begin engaging this week’s teaching themes:
What is a special talent you have?
Would you rather be a beautiful singer or a talented painter and why?
What is your favorite way for someone to tell you “good job!”?
Looking forward to seeing your children on Sunday at 10:30am on BlueJeans. If you need a link to sign up for our Children’s Worship email Stephanie Wilson at
In Peace,
Rev Cara