“Borincuas Remember” by The Rev. Luis-Alfredo Cartagena-Zayas
The indigenous pre-Columbian name for Puerto Rico is “Boriken” and its inhabitants “Borincuas.”
Yesterday marked one year since Hurricanes Irma and María devastated our Isla de Encanto/Enchanted Island. In remembrance of the 4645+ deaths Borincuas both on the Island and throughout the Puerto Rican Diaspora remembered with prayers, vigils and actions to give these beloved individuals voice.
I was honored to participate in the Interfaith Worship at ST. BART’S-New York City. Afterwards, we marched in a candlelight vigil to Trump Tower to let the world see our pain and prophetic resistance to the untruthful and negligent responses from the White House. Those present also stressed the need for the decolonization of Puerto Rico after 120 of US occupation. Park Avenue Christian Church, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ were represented by my participation. We Borincuas stand strong and erect like the Ceiba and thank all the Faith Traditions that participated in our remembrance and struggle for justice.