A song for this Sunday’s worship service

June 23rd,2017 Categories: Latest News


This is a song from the Mexican foklore adopted by some of the LGBTQ community from the UCC. In 2001, Dr. Peter Barbosa, a gay-Puerto Rican/Latino man produced “De Colores.” A powerful documentary based on interviews of Latino/Latina/Latins parents of the LGBTQ. “De Colores” is the theme song of this short movie. There is more to this documentary, but just sharing this for the moment. The song has been translated into English, and sung by young and old. The words of this song uplift how we are all created by God under the rainbow. 

De colores, de colores, that over the hills in profusion are springing
De colores, of the birds that fly outside my window their canticles singing
De colores, in the rainbow bright colors God’s promise of hope we recall
//De colores, that make up the Earth and give thanks to the God that created us all//
Soloist: De co-lo-res, de co-lo-res se visten los campos en la primavera
De co-lo-res, de co-lo-res son los pajarillos que viene de afuera.
De co-lo-res, de co-lo-res es el arco iris que vemos salir.
//Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mí//
De colores, Ev’ry creature that breathes, does praises the God of creation.
De colores! Sing to God who so earnestly cares, who has offered salvation.
De colores, the good news! Sing the love of the Savior reflecting the colors of all.
//De colores, that shine from God’s face, many colors that tell us God’s love to recall.//