A Message from Pastor Kaji

August 22nd,2024 Categories: Weekly Letter
Sunday August 25

Dear Church:

As a pastor, one of the moments that breaks my heart most is when someone says to me, “I feel like God has run out of blessings” or the like. These thoughts are powerfully hurtful and profoundly untrue. God’s grace and blessings never run out.

Psalm 23 tells us, “My cup runneth over,” reminding us that God’s abundance is limitless. Similarly, Psalm 90:2 declares, “From everlasting to everlasting you are God.” These scriptures affirm that God’s well of goodness, mercy, and grace is always full, never depleted.

As you prepare for woship, I invite you to consider: Have you ever thought God had had enough of you?

I can’t wait to hear your reflections on all of this!

Pax Christi,

Pastor Kaji


Psalm 90:2 (Year B, p. 72):

2 Before the mountains were born, or you writhed the land and the earth into birth, from age to age you are God.

In case you missed Pastor’s Kaji message last Sunday, you can find it and the previous discussion questions here.