A Message for the City of New York, from the Rev. Kaji Douša
We are anxious. We are hurting. We don’t know what the future holds. But our faith is strong. Once bustling, our streets are deserted, businesses are closed, sacred spaces empty – yet our faith is strong. The angels among us rise to the challenge: our nurses, our doctors, our EMTs, our police officers, our firefighters, sanitation workers, grocery store workers, pharmacists, and delivery people, the National Guard, and active duty. Our first responders and essential workers are here for us, they are fighting for us, and risking their lives for us. So in these times of trouble, let’s reflect on the good, what we are grateful for, and how we can support one another. If there is one lesson this moment has taught us, it is that we’re all connected in the fight against this disease. We are one world, we are one people. Our spiritual and emotional health is tightly connected. And our future will be decided together.